Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Cat's New Year Resolutions

Author Unknown

  • My human will never let me eat her pet hamster, and I am at peace with that.
  • I will not puff my entire body to twice its size for no reason after my human has finished watching a horror movie.

  • I will not slurp fish food from the surface of the aquarium.

  • I must not help myself to Q-tips, and I must certainly not proceed to stuff them down the sink's drain.

  • I will not eat large numbers of assorted bugs, then come home and puke them up so the humans can see that I'm getting plenty of roughage.

  • I will not lean way over to drink out of the tub, fall in, and then pelt right for the box of clumping cat litter. (It took FOREVER to get the stuff out of my fur.)

  • I will not stand on the bathroom counter, stare down the hall, and growl at NOTHING after my human has finished watching The X-Files.

  • I will not fish out my human's partial plate from the glass so that the dog can "wear" it and pretend to be my human. (It is somewhat unnerving to wake up, roll over in bed, and see the dog grinning at you with your own teeth.)

  • I will not use the bathtub to store live mice for late-night snacks.

  • I will not drag dirty socks up from the basement in the middle of the night, deposit them on the bed and yell at the top of my lungs (Burmese LOUD yowling) so that my human can admire my "kill."

  • I will not perch on my human's chest in the middle of the night and stare into her eyes until she wakes up.

  • We will not play Herd of Thundering Wildebeests Stampeding Across the Plains of the Serengeti over any human's bed while they're trying to sleep.

  • Screaming at the can of food will not make it open itself.

  • I cannot leap through closed windows to catch birds outside. If I forget this and bonk my head on the window and fall behind the couch in my attempt, I will not get up and do the same thing again.

  • I will not assume the patio door is open when I race outside to chase leaves.

  • I will not back up off the front porch and fall into the bushes just as my human is explaining to his girlfriend how graceful I am.

  • I will not complain that my bottom is wet and that I am thirsty after sitting in my water bowl.

  • I will not intrude on my human's candle-lit bubble bath and singe my bottom.

  • I will not stick my paw into any container to see if there is something in it. If I do, I will not hiss and scratch when my human has to shave me to get the rubber cement out of my fur.

  • If I bite the cactus, it will bite back.

  • It is not a good idea to try to lap up the powdered creamer before it dissolves in boiling coffee.

  • When I am chasing my tail and catch my back leg instead, I will not bite down on my foot. This hurts, and my scream scares my human.

  • When it rains, it will be raining on all sides of the house. It is not necessary to check every door.

  • Birds do not come from the bird feeder. I will not knock it down and try to open it up to get the birds out.

  • I will not stuff my rather large self into the rather small bird feeder (with my tail hanging out one side) and expect the birds to just fly in.

  • I will not teach the parrot to meow in a loud and raucous manner.

  • The dog can see me coming when I stalk her. She can see me and will move out of the way when I pounce, letting me smash into floors and walls. That does not mean I should take it as a personal insult when my humans sit there and laugh.

  • Yes, there are still two very large dogs in the backyard. There have been for several years. I don't have to act as if I've just discovered the Demon Horror of the Universe each time one of them appears in my window.

  • I will not play "dead cat on the stairs" while people are trying to bring in groceries or laundry, or else one of these days, it will really come true.

  • When the humans play darts, I will not leap into the air and attempt to catch them.

  • I will not swat my human's head repeatedly when she's on the family room floor trying to do sit ups.

  • When my human is typing at the computer, her forearms are *not* a hammock.

  • Computer and TV screens do not exist to backlight my lovely tail.

  • I am a walking static generator. My human doesn't need my help installing a new board in her computer.

  • I will not bring the city police to the front door by stepping on the speaker phone button and then the automatic 911 dial button.

  • I will not speed dial the overseas numbers.

  • I will not walk on the keyboard when my human is writing important emiognaioerp ga3qi4 taija3tgv aa35 a.

  • Any critter that lives in the house (hamsters), stay in the house and any wild critters (frogs and earthworms) stay outside. I am not allowed to set the hamster free in exchange for finding a frog to put in the fish tank.

  • I will not stalk the deer in the apple orchard next door. They have sharp hooves and could hurt me if they weren't laughing so hard.

  • I will not watch the guinea pig constantly as the guinea pig likes to sleep once in a while.

  • The goldfish likes living in water and should be allowed to remain in its bowl.

  • I will not put a live mole in my food bowl and expect it to stay there until I get hungry.

  • I will not eat spider plants and hallucinate behind the toilet.

  • I will not drag the magnets (and the papers they are holding up) off of the refrigerator and then bat them underneath it so that they adhere to the underside.

  • I will learn to relax at the vet's office so they will start writing things in my records like "Good Kitty" and "Sweet Kitty" instead of the stuff that's there now like "MEAN!!" "BITER!!!" and "GET HELP!!!!!"

  • I will not be miffed at my human all day and then kiss her on the nose at 2:00 a.m. to tell her that she is forgiven and can now pet me.

  • I will not scratch the children of lawyers, no matter how much they chase me or how hard they pull my tail.

  • If I MUST claw my human, I will not do it in such a fashion that the scars resemble a botched suicide attempt.

  • If I must give a present to my human's overnight guests, my toy mouse is much more socially acceptable than a big live cockroach, even if it isn't as tasty.

  • I will not soak my catnip toy in the water bowl to make tea. I will not get high and sit there drinking my tea and kneading the floor afterwards. I will not then get delusions of grandeur and make tea in the toilet bowl or the tub. And I will not try to make tea with used socks, dirty panties or hair scrunches when my humans take the catnip toy away from me.

  • A warm pepperoni pizza is not a good place for a nap.

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    Tuesday, November 18, 2008

    I Rescued a Human Today

    Author Unknown

    I rescued a human today.

    Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering apprehensively into the kennels.
    I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her.
    I wagged my tail, not too exuberantly, so she wouldn't be afraid.

    As she stopped at my kennel I blocked her view from a little accident I had in the back of my cage.
    I didn't want her to know that I hadn't been walked today.
    Sometimes the shelter keepers get too busy and I didn't want her to think poorly of them.

    As she read my kennel card I hoped that she wouldn't feel sad about my past.
    I only have the future to look forward to and want to make a difference in someone's life.
    She got down on her knees and made little kissy sounds at me.
    I shoved my shoulder and side of my head up against the bars to comfort her.

    Gentle fingertips caressed my neck; she was desperate for companionship.

    A tear fell down her cheek and I raised my paw to assure her that all would be well.

    Soon my kennel door opened and her smile was so bright that I instantly jumped into her arms.
    I would promise to keep her safe.
    I would promise to always be by her side.
    I would promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile and sparkle in her eyes.
    I was so fortunate that she came down my corridor.
    So many more are out there who haven't walked the corridors.
    So many more to be saved.
    At least I could save one.

    I rescued a human today.

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    Monday, November 3, 2008

    Using Flower Essences With Cats

    By Nedda Wittels

    Are you are trying to integrate a new cat into your feline family? Do your cats fight with each other? Is your new cat grieving its lost human companion who had to go into a nursing home? Flower remedies or essences are helpful in many situations. Choosing the right essences is facilitated by knowing what the animals are thinking and feeling. As an Animal Communicator, I can gather this information and choose appropriate remedies.

    Flower remedies are the vibrational patterns of flowers in liquid form. Each flower's unique energy pattern models specific healthy emotional vibrations. When the bio-electrical systems of the animal align with the model, not only may an animal's emotional state and behaviors change, but sometimes even physical illnesses will be helped to resolve.One client had six cats and had rescued a seventh. When she tried to integrate the new female, the cats fought and there was chaos. A new cat will cause a shifting about of everyone's position in the group dynamic. In this instance, the new cat was fairly dominant. She was unwilling to come into the group at the bottom of the pecking order. The currently dominant cat wasn't about to give up her position. The other five cats had their various relationships and ranks, but now all positions were fluctuating.

    First, I explained to each feline what was going on and why the person wanted to keep the new cat. I also gathered information about how each cat felt about the new one and about their individual willingness to cooperate. I talked to the new cat to get her perspective as well. We all brainstormed for solutions that might help smooth out the process.

    Then I chose flower essences. While continuing to use Rescue Remedy, I added Walnut to help each cat cope with a major life change; Quaking Grass, to help each cat's vibrations find harmony and flexibility in the group energy; Chicory for the one cat who tended to be jealous and manipulative; and Tiger Lily to reduce aggressive behavior during the shift. In addition, I suggested that the client mist the house twice a day with some Rescue Remedy diluted in water, creating a calming atmosphere. The human agreed not to behave in ways that showed favoritism towards the new cat.

    The cats began to settle down quickly once they were on the essences. Over a period of months, the new cat was integrated without anyone getting hurt.

    Flower essences start working immediately, yet work gradually and gently. Sometimes behaviors change quickly, but the essences should be given for several months to assure a sustained transformation. Flower essences will not change someone's personality, although they can take the edge off of an extreme behavior.

    Another client had a male Abyssinian cat who told me he was "a God" and who was beating up on the female cat in the family, a American Short Hair, because he felt she didn't "worship" him appropriately. His person was astonished. "Does he think my husband and I worship him?" she asked. The Abyssinian answered, "Yes." He said that his people thought he was beautiful; they fed, petted and admired him as much as he wanted. The female cat was sweet, but not very self- confident, especially as the male would swat at her each time she walked past him.

    We set this goal: to boost the female's confidence while lowering the male's aggressive tendencies. For the male I chose Vine, for being domineering, inflexible, and a bully, combined with Beech, for intolerance, and Tiger Lily, for aggression. For the female I chose Larch, to build self-confidence, combined with Centaury, for allowing oneself to be bullied. As a result of the essences, the male cat stopped his aggressive behavior while the female no longer ran madly past him. The situation resolved quickly because the right flower essences were used. The male's beliefs about himself did not change; his concern about the female cat and his behaviors towards her did.

    Flower essences can be used with most species, including mammals, reptiles, and birds. They are non-invasive and do not conflict with prescribed medications. If you are having a behavioral or emotional problem with an animal and you would like to try a holistic approach, consider using flower essences. With the assistance of an Animal Communicator, you are more likely to hit on just the right combination, with the added benefit of understanding your animals' perspectives. This helps achieve the desired results.

    Rev. Nedda Wittels, M.A., M.S., is a telepathic Animal Communicator, Spiritual Counselor, and Shamballa Master/Teacher, offering private sessions in telepathic communication and in healing for humans and animals. She teaches workshops in telepathic communication with all species and in Shamballa Multidimensional Healing. She can be reached at 860.651.5771 and http://www.raysofhealinglight.com

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    Friday, October 31, 2008

    Have a Purrfectly Wonderful Halloween!

    Yup, it's me...your favorite cat fanatic...Keep safe tonight and have a wonderful Halloween!

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    Wednesday, October 29, 2008

    Halloween Pet Safety Tips

    Spooky eyes,
    Long green hair,
    Witches and wizards everywhere.
    Kitty cats,
    A ghost or two,
    Candy corn for me and you.
    Silly clowns,
    Kings and Queens,
    So many things you can be!
    Pointy teeth,
    Knock knock,
    who’s there-Trick or Treat!

    by ANC Staff and ASPCA

    The ASPCA this week issued a set of essential safety tips for ‘pet parents’ to keep furry family members safe and sound during the upcoming Halloween period:

    **All but the most social dogs and cats should be kept in a separate room during peak trick-or-treat visiting hours. Too many strangers in unusual garb can be scary and stressful for pets.

    **When opening the door for trick-or-treaters, take care that Max or Mittens doesn’t dart outside. Make sure all your pets are wearing current identification, just in case.

    **No tricks or treats: Keep all Halloween candy out of your pet’s reach. Chocolate can be poisonous to animals, and tinfoil and cellophane candy wrappers can be hazardous if swallowed.

    **It’s not a bright idea to keep lit pumpkins around companion animals. Pets can knock them over, and curious kittens especially run the risk of being burned.

    **Don’t leave your pet in the yard on Halloween. There have been reports of vicious pranksters who have teased, injured, stolen and even killed pets on this night.

    **Although the ASPCA recommends that cats remain indoors at all times, it is especially important to keep your feline inside for several days before and after Halloween. Black cats in particular may be at risk from children’s pranks or other cruelty-related incidents. As a safety precaution, many shelters will not adopt out black cats around Halloween.

    **Don’t dress up your dog or cat unless you know he or she loves it. If you decide to do so, make sure the costume isn’t annoying or unsafe, and doesn’t restrict her movement, vision, hearing or ability to breathe or bark. Avoid costumes with small or dangling accessories that she could chew off and possibly choke on. Make sure an adult supervises pets in costume at all times.

    © 2003 Animal News Center, Inc.

    By Animal News
    Published: 10/30/2003

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    Friday, October 24, 2008

    Cat Collars & Leads

    Most people will happily walk their dog, fewer people walk their cats. You may not be aware that cats can learn to walk on a lead. There are harnesses, and leads designed just for cats. Some cat owners have taken to walking their cats to avoid disputes with neighbours or where road traffic is heavy.

    Cat collars are not normally designed to be used with a cat lead. The shape of a cat's head makes it too easy for a collar attached to a lead to pop right off. Instead, collars are used for other reasons. They place jeweled or patterned collars on their cats simply because they like the way these collars look. Other people use cat collars to hold I.D. tags, so that their cat more easily identified as their cats found. Of course, a common reason for putting a collar on a cat is to warn birds of his approach. Collars with bells on them may be a low tech alarm system, but they work. Finally some owners use a flea collar to ward off fleas.

    Whatever an owners reason for investing in a collar I would recommend that a snag proof version is used. These are designed to let a cat escape if the collar becomes entangled. Every year many cats are strangled unnecessarily when their collars are caught in hanging articles such the branches of a tree.

    Cat harnesses are specially designed to stay securely on a cat, even when the cat is on a lead. You can buy a simple nylon harness for your cat or you can find more deluxe models that look more like padded vests. As long as the harness is completely adjustable, it should work well.

    Cat leads can be standard leads or retractable models. Whichever type of lead you choose be sure that it is lightweight enough to allow your cat to move easily under its weight. Retractable leads are ideal for people who want to allow their cats to explore their surroundings in a park or other traffic safe area, but want to keep the cats close by when they are walking to and from their homes.

    To train your cat to walking on a lead, you should use a variation of techniques to used to train dogs. Cats like Dogs respond well to praise, the difference is Cats do not respond well to negative correction; so giving a quick tug on the lead when they do not stay at your side will not teach a cat to heel. Instead, praise your cat when he does what you want and ignore him when he does the wrong thing. Be realistic, although you can teach your cat to tolerate a lead, don't expect cats to consistently heel on command.

    Like most animals even humans the best results can be achieved when starting training early. The easiest way to teach your cat is to use a lead is to start when it is a young kitten of eight to ten weeks old. Place the harness on your cat and allow it to walk about completely unrestrained. After a few days, add the lead. Be sure that you do not apply any pressure. Once your cat is used to the lead, you can pick it up and teach it that it is ok for you to be on the other end of the lead. Gently apply pressure to the lead and call your cat to you. Praise the cat softly when it responds. Eventually, he will become used to following you when he is on his lead.

    About The Author: Terry King runs Parcel Pets - http://www.pets2home.co.uk/cat--Cat-Collars-Leads-Cats--Cat_Leads_Collars.html - a leading UK pet supplies web site and has had pets all his life. He lives with his wife Louise, dog Sam, Cat Sabrina and 5 fish!

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    Thursday, October 23, 2008

    How Safe Is Your Flea and Tick Killer?

    by GARY LE MON

    Laboratory studies of ingredients in seven popular flea and tick control products reveal adverse health effects in all animals tested. The effects of these well known and aggressively marketed products range from convulsions, body tremors and labored breathing to thyroid cancer, brain lesions, and liver and lung tumors. Yet TV commercials with trusty looking veterinarians pitch only the happy side of these products.

    Which flea and tick pesticide are you using on your dog and/or cat? If your favorite treatment contains the active ingredient Fipronil, Imidacloprid, Methoprene, Permethrin, Pyriproxyfen or the inert ingredient Butyldydroxytoluene, Butylhydroxanisole, Carbitol, Ethanol, or Polyvinlpyrrplidone, you need to know about the not-so-happy side of these products as well.

    If you think your veterinarian or local pet store would never sell you such a sinister poison, think again.

    Advantage (Bayer

    Corporation), Adams Spot-On Flea & Tick Control (Farnam Pet Products), BioSpot Flea & Tick Control (Farnam Pet Products), Defend EXspot Treatment (Schering-Plough Animal Health), Frontline Top Spot (Merial Limited), Frontline Plus (Merial Limited), and Zodiac FleaTrol Spot On (Wellmark International) - all contain one or more of the aforementioned active or inert ingredients.
    Toxicology and morbidity findings from these pesticide products were gathered over a decade of laboratory testing by the United States Environmental Protection Agency; Occupational Safety & Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor; Extension Toxicology Network; Journal of Pesticide Reform; Pesticide Action Network North America and other sources, with additional information supplied by Material Safety Data Sheets.

    Most testing was performed for the benefit of new product manufacturers in order to qualify for

    EPA registration. Scientists overdose laboratory animals to determine how much of the product will kill 50% of the test population. Information is then extrapolated and assumptions made that may apply to domestic animals and human beings.
    According to laboratory tests, Fipronil (Frontline Top Spot and Frontline Plus) is a neurotoxin and suspected human cancer agent. Fipronil can cause liver toxicity, thyroid cancer, kidney damage, raised cholesterol, lack of coordination, labored breathing, miscarriages and stunted offspring.

    Laboratory testing of Imidacloprid (Advantage) on mice, dogs and rats shows this insecticide to be neurotoxic to laboratory animals, also causing a breakdown of coordination, labored breathing, lesions of the thyroid, reduced birth weight, and increased birth defects.

    The synthetic broad spectrum pyrethroid insecticide Permethrin (Adams Spot-on Flea & Tick Control; BioSpot Flea & Tick Control; and Defend EXspot Treatment) shows indications of being an endocrine disrupter and the cause of lung cancer and liver tumors in laboratory animals.

    Methoprene and Pyriproxyfen (Zodiac FleaTrol Spot On; and BioSpot Flea & Tick Control) are known as insect growth regulators (IGR), both of which restrict the growth of fleas to the juvenile stage where reproduction is not possible. Laboratory testing reveals that Methoprene causes enlarged livers and degeneration of the kidneys.

    Unfortunately, few people actually read EPA test results. Fewer still want to hear about the many laboratory test subjects (unwanted dogs and cats) killed during and after the studies in order to determine damage to specific systems and organs. But it only takes a few people with straightforward thinking to bring about change. Are you ready to stop this insanity? There are effective alternatives, as you know.

    Today there are totally
    natural flea and tick remedies - completely harmless to kids, pets and the environment - made from pure botanical essential oils. Some natural products work fairly well, some don't, and some work much better than the toxic stuff!

    The mode of action - the way these natural remedies kill fleas and ticks - is to disrupt the insect's ability to function by blocking a substance called octopamine. In nature, certain plants have developed a natural defense against bugs. These "octopamine blockers" in plants are extracted as oils and used as active ingredients. Octopamine is to an insect what adrenalin is to a human. When blocked from the system, the insect quickly dies. No muss, no fuss. Nobody gets hurt but the bug.

    Please begin today to stop supporting the heartless laboratory testing of innocent animals, the insidious cover-up and rush to market of big business, and the unwitting harm we may be doing to our children, our pets, and our planet.

    http://www.Natural-Wonder-Pets.com/natural-flea-control.html - Gary Le Mon's day job is in the insured financial services industry, but his evenings and weekends are spent crusading for animal rights, contributing to dog and cat rescue efforts, and making the Earth a greener, friendlier place to live.


    A very scary account of what happened to the cat in the above picture:


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    Tuesday, October 21, 2008

    Feeding Cats: Seven Ways To Get A Fussy Cat To Eat

    Many cat owners become worried that their fussy-eater will go hungry or will become malnourished. There are many reasons why cats refuse to eat. Here are some tips on how you can encourage your fussy eater to dig in.

    If your cat has just recently become fussy about their food, or their appetite has suddenly changed, this could be a sign of illness and you should get him/her checked by your vet.
    Here are some tips to entice a healthy cat to eat:

    1. Warm the food to body temperature. This will make the food smellier and make it more appetizing. Warm dry food for a few minutes on low heat in an oven or warm wet food in a microwave for ten seconds.

    2. Mix a tasty canned food with your cat's usual food to induce your cat to eat. Alternatively, if you open a can of tuna, salmon or sardines for yourself, you can mix some of it in with the cat's food.

    3. Don't give your cat more than 10 minutes to eat what is in the bowl. If the food is still there, take the bowl away. Your cat is more likely to eat food that is in short supply and only available briefly.

    4. Your cat's nose may not be smelling the food very well. It may be helpful to clean your cat's nose to improve it's smelling ability. This strategy may seem strange but is recommended by a vet.

    5. Start the meal by feeding your cat from your hand. Once eating, they will usually continue voluntarily.

    6. Place the food in a quiet, traffic-free area of the house or yard. There may be too many distractions or things to upset a nervous cat.

    7. Feed your cat a few times a day, in smaller quantities, when your cat asks for it. For most cats a small amount of food at a time is enough. This helps to avoid overfeeding and should stop your cat from looking for food elsewhere.

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    Monday, October 20, 2008

    Why Does My Cat Pee Everywhere?

    Whether your cat is old or young, male or female, anxious or mellow, he or she can get the idea that peeing anywhere but the litterbox is a good thing. Many frustrated humans in the past and present have tried nearly everything to figure out why the cat does this - and, of course, to solve the problem.

    Here are the first things that you should do when your cat insists on stinking up your house. You'll have to be patient while you work your way through this list, but soon your kitty will be back to doing his or her business in an appropriate place.

    • Your cat needs a full health checkup. In many cases, cats pee right in front of you when they're sick. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common health problems, which your vet can treat. Even if that's not what's wrong with your kitty, your vet can track down, and solve, the problem.

    • Cats who are older or who have health problems (joint pains, for example), can't get in and out of the litterbox like they could when they were younger. Make the litterbox more accessible so that your kitty can get in and out.
    • The litterbox itself might be a problem. If you have more than one cat, you might need to put out additional litterboxes. The type of litter and how much of it you use can be problems. You should also change the cat litter and thoroughly scrub the litterbox. The plastic tends to absorb urine smells, which can turn off housecats.

    • Sometimes cats will act out by peeing all over your favorite things. This can be a sign that they're unhappy about something. Try giving your cat more (positive) attention. Extra playtime with his favorite toy can cure the behavioral issue. You can also ask your vet about a product that will help soothe your kitty: Feliway is one example.
    • Tomcats often spray anything that they wish to mark as their own territory. Sterilization can improve this problem.
    • Elderly kitties can suffer from feline dementia. They honestly don't realize that they're doing something wrong when they pee all over your clean laundry. Buy housebreaking pads - the disposable kind that people use with puppies - and put them down where your kitty pees the most often. This won't convince her to use the litterbox, but cleanup will be much easier compared to what you're doing now.
    You should do a few things when your kitty decides to mark something in your house.

    • Never hit the cat or rub her nose in the mess. Cats aren't like human children: they don't understand that what they do is wrong. You can deter behavior as the cat is doing it, but trying to teach the cat after the fact doesn't work very well. Instead of scolding kitty afterward, catch her in the act and spritz her with tap water from a spray bottle.
    • Completely clean the marked territory. Even if you can't smell the cat pee, the cat will. That's her sign to continue peeing there. Visit the pet store for a product that removes all of the pet odors.
    • Give your cat plenty of positive attention. Despite the stereotypes that surround felines, cats do bond with their humans. They want our attention and will go to great lengths to get it from us.
    Don't worry: you'll track down and solve the problem soon enough. In the meantime, be as patient as possible. Your solution will come and you can resume the carefree relationship

    Copyright © 2008, Ian White housesitting.com

    Author Ian White is founder of housecarers Housesitting directory

    Cats are happier in their own environment. Pet friendly alternative to catteries or cat boarding.

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    Tuesday, August 19, 2008

    Japanese Pet Names For Your Special Pet

    By Mikael Rieck

    Choosing a Japanese name for your pet is choosing a name that is based richly in culture, diversity and heritage. Pets that bear a Japanese name are symbolic of that name and therefore you should choose the name carefully for your pet.

    Most Japanese pet names are based off of certain things that are rich in their culture such as special meanings, special words, and exotic parts of the land, exotic flowers and famous people in Japanese history. Whichever name you prefer, you can always do research on it to find out the true meaning and origin.

    If you are looking for ideas to base your Japanese pet names from, here are some common pet names for cats, dogs or any other pet that are derived from Japanese words:

    • Aiko - little love

    • Aki – born in Autumn

    • Akiko – autumn child

    • Anda – meet at the field

    • Akina – spring flower

    • Ayame - iris

    • Aneko- older sister

    • Chiko – arrow

    • Chika - near

    • Chiyo - eternal

    • Cho - butterfly

    • Dai - great

    • Eriko – child with a collar

    • Gin –silvery

    • Haruko – spring child

    • Hoshi – star

    • Haru – born in the spring

    • Hana – flower

    • Hoshiko- star child

    • Hisa – long lasting

    • Jun’ko – unknown

    • Kameko – child of the tortoise, long life

    • Kami - Lord

    • Kaede – maple leaf

    • Kaya – adds a place of resting

    • Kei – rapture, reverence

    • Keiko –adored one

    • Kimi – she who is without equal

    • Kumi – braid, drawing together

    • Kuri - chestnut

    • Kita – north

    • Kumiko – companion child

    • Kohana – little flower

    • Koto – harp

    • Leiko - arrogant

    • Kuni – meaning unknown

    • Kyoko - mirror

    • Toya – house door

    • Tsuyu – morning dew

    • Yoshiko - good child

    • Yone – meaning unknown

    • Nariko – gentle child

    • Nami - wave

    • Natsuko – summer child

    • Nori – two trees

    • Nyoko – gem

    • Oki – middle of the ocean

    • Ran – water lily

    • Rei - gratitude

    • Sachiko – child of bliss

    • Suki - beloved

    • Sakura – cherry blossums

    • Shika – door

    • Suzu – long lived

    • Shina – virtue, good

    • Sumi – clear, refined

    • Taka – tall, honorable

    • Takara – treasure, precious object

    These are just a few of the most popular Japanese pet names, and there are also variations of many of the names which can be personalized from you to your pet. Whichever you decide from these beautiful names, you will surely be giving your special pet a name as unique as they are. Japanese culture strongly believes in the meaning and virtue of names, and by choosing to adorn your pet with a name you are showing that this is not just any ordinary pet, but one that bears a special meaning to you and in your life as well.

    You can always incorporate other aspects into the name of your pet as well, for instance if you want to create a name based on Japanese pet names and then also add in another component for something personal in your life, the possibilities are endless. If you want to name your pets after certain themes, you could choose one name that is Japanese inspired, and one perhaps to the locality of where you live or where your pet originated from. The choices are up to you, and you may want to select a name that is both meaningful to you and is descriptive of the personality of your new pet as well.

    About the Author: Visit the authors website at http://www.petinsurancepro.com/ for more valuable information on pets. Also download a free pet health report. Read the latest reviews on pet insurance companies like ASPCA Pet Insurance, Banfield Pet Insurance and VPI Pet insurance.

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    Thursday, August 14, 2008

    Paws and Pesticides, A Deadly Combination

    by: Dori Schwaiger

    For the sake of your pets and family, please stop using chemical pesticides.

    Toxic pesticides are considered an active poison. They are extremely dangerous to your health, your pets health and our environment.

    Every year, thousands of domestic pets and wild life lose their lives to the ravaging effects of pesticide poisoning. Most pet lovers also enjoy gardening and the great outdoors. Little do they know what caustic ingredients are in the pesticides that are being sprayed on lawns and green areas. We take for granted that most herbicides used by gardeners or sold in stores are safe. Many name brands such as "Weed n' Feed" and "Round Up" contain the same deadly cancer causing ingredients that were found in Agent Orange. Another synthetic poison found in these two well known garden products is 2,4-D. It is also the active ingredient found in "Killex." It can cause loss of reflex in humans along with comas, kidney and liver failure. In dogs it is the number one killer causing malignant lymphomas, a form of cancer.

    Sadly, just five percent of pesticides reach their target weeds and garden pest. The rest are absorbed into our earth, targeting our water supplies through a process called run off or simply just dissipates into our air. Major health damage can occur when Toxic Pesticides are absorbed through our skin, swallowed or inhaled. When not applied correctly, pesticides can settle on ponds, pools, children's toys, pets left outdoors and even drift through open windows settling on our furniture, bedding and even our floors. This deadly poison is often tracked into our homes by our shoes and pets paws.

    We all face the continuing problem of toxic by-products through years of pesticide residue that is in our food supply and everyday environment. What we don't realize is how wide spread pesticide poisoning really is. These caustic chemicals are virtually used in all of our public buildings including our children's schools and play yards, restaurants, hospitals, hotels and private homes. Pesticide abuse is used in our agriculture and forest areas.

    Why are Pets Vulnerable to Pesticide Poisoning?

    - Pets spend most of their time close to the ground, this is where pesticide concentration is highest.

    - Pets ingest most pesticides while grooming themselves. Any contact with chemicals connect with their fur and paws and is then ingested by the pet.

    - Pets spend more time outside and play in heavily treated areas.

    - Pets have higher absorption rates than human systems. Animals may be more sensitive and easily poisoned by conditions deemed safe to people.

    Signs of Pesticide Poisoning In Pets

    - Excessive drooling and foaming at the mouth.

    - Loss of thirst and appetite.

    - Vomiting or diarrhea.

    - Immune function decline.

    - Convulsions and disorientation.

    - Birds and fish die due to toxic runoff in our water supply.

    - Feline thyroid disease.

    - Dogs contract cancer (malignant lymphoma)

    What Can We Do To Stop Pesticide Poisoning?

    - Adapt an alternative "green" solution for pest control.

    - Enjoy your weeds and bugs. They are part of nature.

    - Educate yourself about pesticides used by your HOA, Lawn Service and immediate neighbors.

    - Do not allow your pets to drink from ponds or outside water sources - always keep fresh, clean water readily available.

    - Leash your pets, allowing them to run free is not a good idea.

    - Bathe and brush your pets often.

    - Wash down your outdoor living area.

    - Think Eco-conscious when dealing with your environment.

    Protect yourself and your pets from synthetic pesticides by being an educated consumer and willing activist in our Eco-system.

    About The Author

    Dori Schwaiger is an expert author on Health & wellness, she is also an avid animal lover and very passionate about animal rights. Please visit Dori's website http://www.tophealthspot.com for more interesting articles. You will also find thousands of name brand Health & Lifestyle products for yourself as well as your pet.

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    Wednesday, June 4, 2008

    It's Hug Your Cat Day!

    Hug Your Cat Day!  hug cat

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    Monday, June 2, 2008

    Maintaining Cat Urinary Tract Health

    By Tess Thompson

    Feline urinary infection occurs much more frequently than cat owners would like to believe. Most of the times, the condition is idiopathic in nature, meaning that the infection has no known cause. And therefore symptoms like urinating out of the litter pan are usually assigned to behavioral causes like stress.

    In fact, urinary tract infection in cats is more likely to be physiological in nature. It is part of a number of urinary problems including obstruction in the urinary passage and bladder inflammation commonly known as Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease. It can be extremely painful to the cat as it strains to urinate but is unable to. Cat owners can be of great help if they know the reasons behind the condition and make sure that they follow some basic rules of caring for the pet.

    To understand your pet better, you must understand that there is a natural reason why cats do not consume a lot of water. The evolution factor plays an important role in how animals meet their needs for maintaining life. Cats originated in desert areas and derived most of their requirement of water from food. The prey they hunted gave them enough water to sustain life. And this is the manner in which cats developed a natural aversion to drinking water separately on their own. Lack of water intake is, therefore, one of the major reasons behind the increased incidence of feline urinary tract infection.

    While specific treatment depends upon the lab reports of urinalysis and other imaging investigations, you can try to prevent the condition by keeping the health of your cat’s urinary tract in proper condition.

    Water is of utmost importance.
    • Mix extra water if you are feeding your cat with dry cat food. You may want to add other fluids like chicken froth.
    • Keep more water bowls around the house. Use bigger water bowls so that the cat’s whiskers do not touch the sides.
    • If you can, try a free flowing water drinking fountain. Cats find this attractive and curiosity may encourage them to drink water.
    • Wash water bowls with clean water daily. If you are using detergents make sure there is no residue as the chemical in it can be harmful.
    • Avoid feeding foods that have high magnesium content like pork, beef, heart and oily fish.
    • Prefer natural foods over prescription diets. Consult your veterinarian as to what you should feed so that the urine that is produced has the correct pH level.
    • Add a tablespoon of vinegar to water daily. Vinegar will keep the urine pH slightly acidic and prevent formation of bladder stones, which often lead to urinary infections.

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    Friday, May 30, 2008

    The Dangers of Mulch!

    Cocoa mulch is amazing for your plants and smells fantastic -- but be sure to keep your pets away!

    "CLEVELAND -- Pet experts say a cocoa mulch can pose a serious health risk to pets. This type of mulch is made of the husks of the cocoa bean.
    Local landscapers said it has become popular in northeast Ohio recently because of its aroma. But that aroma can also reportedly attract dogs and cats.

    If a pet consumes a large amount of mulch it can cause them serious digestive problems, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or ASPCA."

    Read the article >>

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    Wednesday, May 28, 2008

    The Wildlife Basics to Cat Health

    By Bruce Maul

    The endless cat and mouse chase has been immortalized in literature countless times. And what makes this prey and predator relationship tick also finds relevance in the diet and nutrition of felines. Ever heard about cats chasing grains, or fruits and vegetables? Felines are carnivorous creatures that find nourishment over a few pounds of meat protein daily and a steady supply of water to supplement a dry diet. Moreover, nature bestowed felines with shorter digestive tracts that would not be able to handle carbohydrate enriched foods as well as plant fibers efficiently. Thus, an omnivore diet would only render your pet obese or perhaps devoid them of the nutrients vital to cat health and this sets the stage for serious pet health problems. Likewise, feeding your pet with meat by-products often laden with preservatives and other inorganic substances does not help to this end either.

    Replicating feline diet in the wild becomes the likely key to optimal cat health. Consequently, cats require natural forms of medication, as much as they need animal protein. Know that most pet illnesses are typically food based, borne of nutritional deficiencies that manifest in the form of allergies or instances of hormonal imbalance. Most likely, the overuse of antibiotics and multiple vaccines in the name of disease treatment induces more harm than healing and can breakdown your pets immune defenses. In matters of cat healthcare and disease prevention, your pet would truly achieve sustained healing from a treatment of herbal extracts, or perhaps a pet herbal supplement formula.

    While veterinary medicine is known for its cunning ability to swiftly heal symptoms, the chemical substances put forth in its manufacture can also compromise cat health through the undue impairment of pet immune defenses that makes them susceptible to the antigens of chronic infections. The administration of a pet herbal supplement formula will not damage the functions of vital antibodies nor produce side effects detrimental to cat health.

    Pet health products, and specifically, herbal supplement products, are manufactured from a safe and therapeutic blend of herbal and homeopathic ingredients intended to mildly clear the symptoms of an infection while probing deeper into the disease in order to correct an imbalance or systemic disorder that may actually be causing the onset of an infection. Furthermore, pet herbal remedies are concocted with tonic herbs to restore wellness and vitality in your pet.

    Do not risk your cats health and wellness with the daily feeding of processed pet food as well as in the administration of inorganic substances for disease treatment. Time to get back to the wildlife basics of nutrition and healing for your pet, meat protein for his feed and an herbal supplement formula to treat the symptoms of diseases. This will not only extend the life of your pet cat, but also sustain its vigor during the geriatric stage.

    Bruce Maul is a partner in Goldf Flax Seed, Inc. which provides only top quality Flax Seed, Herbal Remedies and other health related products. Learn more about Herbal Remedies by visiting http://www.myherbalremedystore.com

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    Monday, May 19, 2008

    Big Pharma takes over veterinary medicine; dogs and cats drugged with chemicals for profit

    Big Pharma has successfully completed its takeover of veterinary medicine in the United States and other first-world nations. Knowing that massive profits could be generated through the bodies of pets, drug companies have spent two decades pursuing an aggressive campaign of rewriting vet school curricula, influencing veterinarians and brainwashing pet owners into thinking their dogs, cats and horses need drugs in order to be healthy. It was an easy sell: Most consumers already demonstrate a cult-like belief in pharmaceutical medicine thanks to a barrage of direct-to-consumer advertising funded by deep-pocketed drug companies, and it was only a minor shift to get them to believe animals need synthetic chemicals in their bodies, too.

    So today, the majority of veterinarians in the United States now practice chemical-based medicine on pets. At the first sign of any health symptom, they slap the animal with a prescription for expensive, patented pharmaceuticals. Arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and even depression are now being treated with dangerous prescription medications. Earlier this year, the FDA gave approval for Prozac, a powerful mind-altering drug, to be prescribed to dogs, and many of the most common drugs for people are now routinely used in pets (including chemotherapy drugs for cancer treatment).

    What's next, Ritalin for puppies? Continued Here: Big Pharma takes over veterinary medicine; dogs and cats drugged with chemicals for profit

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    Friday, May 16, 2008

    Recognizing and Reporting Animal Cruelty

    “Without phone calls from the concerned citizens who report cruelty in their neighborhoods, we wouldn't know about most instances of animal abuse,” says ASPCA Supervisory Special Investigator Annemarie Lucas, whom you may have seen in action on Animal Planet’s Animal Precinct.

    Do you know where and how to report cruelty in your town? The ASPCA provides information on recognizing and reporting animal cruelty, as well as cruelty laws and how to talk to children about this important issue.

    Continued here:

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    Wednesday, May 14, 2008

    Making the Big Decision - Euthanasia

    Copyright © 2006-2008 Gary Kurz

    As an author of books in the pet loss genre, I often receive e-mail where I am asked "Do you think that I did the right thing by putting my best friend down?" The question is always qualified by a very heart-wrenching and moving story about the rapidly declining health of the family pet, which resulted in making the "big decision".

    Almost without exception, the inquirer expresses a deep sense of guilt from having made that choice, which, in all probability, is the real reason for their writing to me...to help them with that guilt. Essentially, I am being asked to approve of a decision made during a period of great duress without much background information. It is a task that I do not relish, but one that I cannot and will not avoid.

    Making such a decision is one of the most difficult things a person who loves animals will ever have to do. Our pets are perpetual children to us: children, because they depend upon us for all of their needs (food, shelter, medical attention, etc.); and, perpetual, because they never grow up and leave the nest.

    They do not marry. They do not go to college. They remain utterly dependent upon us throughout their lives. When our children leave home, we still love them and provide help when they ask for it, but generally they have their own lives to live and we no longer make decisions for them. But for our furry children, the decision-making responsibilities permanently fall to us.

    Is it any wonder then, that when we have had to prematurely hasten their passing, we blame ourselves or feel guilt? After all, they depended upon us and somehow we let them down. Somehow we should have had control and been able to prevent their illness or injury.

    The truth is, however, we have no control over such things. We cannot know when illness will strike. We cannot know when an animal will dig a hole under the fence and run into the street. We can take all the necessary safety precautions, feed them the best food, get them regular check-ups, but we cannot foresee the future. Accordingly, from a reality standpoint, there is no basis for feeling guilty when unexpected circumstances force us to decide to help our best friend pass on.

    From a perceptional standpoint, when someone is so broken that they feel compelled to seek my help, pouring out their most intimate emotions to a complete stranger, this suggests to me that they could never have failed their best friend by making a poor decision. It just is not in them to have not been vigilant and caring. It is my perception that they could have done nothing to deserve the guilt they torture themselves with.

    It has been my experience rather, that such people possess great love and devotion for their pets. Invariably, they will have done anything within their power to extend the life of their best friend if it were at all possible to do so.

    Indeed, I can attest that some who have contacted me have spent literally tens of thousands of dollars on surgery and other healthcare efforts, traveled great distances to meet with specialists, or sat up night after night all night long trying to provide comfort and care. There can be little doubt but that people who love their pets, people like you and me, will exhaust every possibility to help their animals.

    Sadly, despite all of our selfless effort and expense, success sometimes is not realized and our best friend continues to deteriorate, often in great pain. We are forced to make that dreaded big decision, whether or not to let our best friend go.

    It is after that decision has been made and our best friend is gone, that guilt comes, accompanied by its infamous associate, doubt. Together they rob us of our confidence and turn our precious memories into a source of pain. We beat ourselves up in our hearts and minds and are plagued by the haunting questions:

  • "Did I do the right thing"?

  • "Should I have waited longer"?

  • "Why am I feeling all this guilt"?

  • "What if I had done this or that"?

    Again, these questions are hard to answer. If you were to ask for my help in validating your decision, I could not presumptuously determine that putting your best friend down was the right thing to do. Neither could I suggest that it was the wrong thing to do. I just cannot know.

    Similarly, I do not know if the decision was made too soon, too late or whether it should have been made at all. At best, my thoughts in those areas would be nothing more than a subjective guess, based upon very limited information and my own values and level of sensitivity. It would be unfair to hold everyone to my own personal standard and to respond to them based upon that alone.

    Instead, I would encourage you to remember how things were at that moment in time when you bore the responsibility of making that big decision for your family pet. Only you can know if it was the right and timely thing to do. My advice to you is to simply "trust the moment". By that I mean, that you should not second-guess now, the decision that you made then. Second-guessing will only lead to a feeling of insecurity, which will eventually manifest itself as guilt.

    It is imperative to trust that at that moment, when you were forced to make that undesirable, big decision, you did so from a position of love. You didn't want to do it. It horrified you to have to decide. Nevertheless, you stepped up and assumed your responsibility. You selflessly decided, at that moment, that your best friend was suffering, that there was nothing you or anyone else could do about it, except make that decision.

    Now, long after the fact, divorced from the emotion and pressure of that moment, you are allowing yourself to dissect every thought and circumstance. Now, with the luxury of time, you are starting to re-think the facts and question yourself, playing the "what if" game.

    Today, it isn't as clear as it was then. You really don't know if you did the right thing. Take heart, it is human nature to doubt. We are imperfect and fickle creatures. But that does not make it right to pull a load of guilt upon ourselves, and that does not change the reality of the moment when you had to make that big decision.

    Don't let your feelings of grief give birth to guilt. Remember the moment. Remember that at that moment you wanted nothing more than to help the one you so dearly loved. You would have done anything, paid any amount, performed any feat to prolong their life, but it was just not to be.

    The doctor's prognosis was grim. There would be much suffering and pain. The recommendation was to bring them relief, to help them pass on. Under extreme duress and emotional strain, through tears of love, you weighed all the facts, reached down deep inside yourself, put aside your own selfish desire to have your pet hang on, and did what you thought best for them at that moment.

    At that moment, your love made the selfless decision that rationale and logic now question. There was no selfishness then, but rather a somber consideration of the facts, and a decision to do something that you really did not want to do. But you did it, because someone needed for you to be strong for them.

    You put self aside and found strength you did not know that you had. Don't let go of that moment. Hold on to it. Trust it. Trust that you were right and that you did what was needed. Trust that your love ruled over your selfishness and know that where your love prevailed, there is no room for guilt or doubt. Grief and sadness are important validations of your love, but do not cheat that process with doubt and guilt. It has no place.

    About The Author:

    Gary Kurz, helps those grieving the loss of a pet to understand the Biblical evidence that proves they live on. His most popular book, "Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates" delivers hope and comfort to the reader in a very gentle, yet convincing way. Visit at http://www.coldnosesbook.com for more information, tips and gifts or write to Gary at petgate@aol.com

    Article Source: thePhantomWriters Article Submission Service

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    Wednesday, May 7, 2008

    When Your Cat Pants!

    By Audrey Frederick

    As a general rule cats do not pant, as they sweat through their paws. Having had cats most of my life I have never seen one of our cats pant.

    It is said that cats pant when they are ill or when they are stressed out. Once in awhile, a cat will play hard and pant from the exertion, as will mother cats after giving birth.

    Heat stroke is another cause for a cat to pant; though cats in general are smart enough not to put themselves into a position to get heatstroke, unless they are locked in a place (like a car) where they cannot get out.

    Should you feel that your cat is suffering from heatstroke the best thing to do is wrap it in a cool damp towel and get it to the vet at once. Heatstroke can be fatal and quick. If you cannot get to the vet at once, cool the cat down with water from a hose. Cool water and not ice cold water is to be used.

    Cats usually breathe nice quiet breaths, at an even keel, panting causes rapid breathing, usually the mouth is open, the breaths are shallow as very little air is being exchanged deep inside the cat's lungs.

    What are some of the other things that can cause panting?

    • A fever can be a primary cause, as the cat's temperature rises the cat will pant to rid its body of the heat.
    • A cold will cause a cat to pant. If a cat cannot breathe through its nose naturally, it will breathe through its mouth and this may cause panting.
    • An obstruction in the nasal passages can cause a cat to pant. Polyps are the major cause and can be easily removed surgically.
    • Should a cat be anemic, this will cause a cat to pant as there are not enough red blood cells to deliver oxygen to the body.
    • Hyperthyroidism can lead to panting which can lead to heart disease.
    • Poisoning can also be a sign of panting, though cats are usually very discrete when it comes to eating things they should not.
    • Fleas can transmit a parasite that may produce a fever, red blood cell problems and anemia.
    • Respiratory problems can cause panting.
    • Heartworms in cats cause more of a respiratory disease than a heart condition, which is just the opposite of what it does in dogs. In cats it seems the larval stage (period before they get to the heart) does the most damage. The larvae often cause a condition that looks and acts like asthma.
    • A urinary infection in a male cat will cause extreme pain and this will cause the cat to pant.

    These are just a few things that will cause a cat to pant and will require attention by your vet.

    If you cat is panting excessively do not hesitate to make that phone call to your vet.

    Along with panting look for signs of:

    • drooling
    • weakness
    • deep red gums
    • tongue and gums have turned bluish
    • coughing or wheezing
    • change in meow sound (voice) along with panting
    • snoring at night along with panting or wheezing

    These are all serious signs that you should take your cat to the vet as soon as possible.

    Our job as a pet parent is to keep out pets healthy and a phone call to your vet may save your cat's life and ease your mind.

    If this article has been of benefit, please visit my web site and blog at http://www.cats-and-dogs-on-the-web.com/

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Audrey_Frederick

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    Monday, May 5, 2008

    The Concerns Of The Cat Health Heart Murmur

    If a vet listens to the heartbeat of a cat and if they hear any unusual sounds, they may require more tests, but generally, they give the diagnosis of a heart murmur. The vet listens to the heartbeat, heart rhythm and the heart sounds to determine if the heart has any irregularities. The health of the cat determines if any concern for this heart condition exists.

    Types of Cat Health Heart Murmurs

    Two types are physiological and pathological conditions. The physiological murmur results when a fever or anemia is present. The pathological murmur results when a condition affects the valves and heart muscle of the cat. Researchers conducted tests to find out more information on cat health heart murmurs.

    A Boston animal hospital conducted a test on one hundred cats and found that twenty-one percent of the cats had a heart murmur. Out of the twenty-one percent, seven cats were given an echocardiography and six cats actually had a heart problem called hypertrophy cardiomyopathy. The result of the study showed that healthy cats may show signs of a heart murmur, but without proper testing, the outcome and diagnosis is inconclusive.

    Heart murmurs are measured by grades. Six different types of grades exist from I to VI with grade VI the most severe and grade I mild. Veterinarians grade the heart murmur, but the murmur graded VI does not make it the worst heart murmur to have in a cat.

    Cat Health Heart Murmur Issues

    Some kittens are born with heart murmurs that disappear by the time they reach six months. The incidental heart murmur occurs in cats that appear healthy, but they may show signs of weakness and color changes in the skin and tongue. A cat that shows signs of poor health may also experience heart murmurs. The only way to determine if a heart murmur exists is to run tests.

    The only way to determine the severalty of a heart murmur is by an ultrasound. If you need to have your cat spayed or neutered, a veterinarian may insist on an x-ray or n ultrasound to determine how severe the heart murmur is before doing the operation. The cat that is born with a heart murmur usually receives a lower grade type, rather than an older cat that develops a heart murmur later in life.

    For the most part cat heart murmurs need no type of treatment unless they become severe or cause other health problems. Cats do have potential for congestive heart failure, although rare, this may lead to your vet ordering tests for your cat if it has a heart murmur. If you suspect your cat has a heart murmur, the only thing to do is have an exam to determine the grade of the murmur and then follow the veterinarian’s advice on the care and treatment of your cat. The cat needs a healthy and happy life and only you know your cat’s personality and activities.

    You can also find more info on Cat Eye Health & Cat Fleas. Aboutcathealth.org is a comprehensive resource to find more information about cats.
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    Friday, May 2, 2008

    Your Female Cat In Heat? How to Tell When She Is and What You Can Do

    by ronalimsy

    For many new cat owners, the first time a cat goes into heat is usually a worrying situation. As a cat in heat exhibits behavior which may be similar to a sick cat or a cat in pain, many cat owners think their cat is unwell, when in fact their female cat is simply in heat.

    Are you surprised if I tell you that your female cat will be in heat for most of her life, until she is spayed? A cat reaches sexual maturity by 5 months of age and from then on, will be in heat for the rest of her life, unless she is spayed, old or unwell.

    The only time a healthy female cat is not in heat is when she is pregnant. She will stay in heat until she is mated. Once she is mated (usually with several toms), ovulation takes place (shedding of the egg from the ovary, 1 egg per kitten). Pregnancy lasts between 56 to 63 days.

    Cats go into heat more often during the warmer months, from February through September. However, in countries where there are no seasonal cycles, a female cat can be in heat throughout the year in between pregnancies!

    There is a distinct change in behavior when your cat goes into heat. You will find her meowing and yowling in a tone you have never heard before. She may also not eat as well as her usual appetite and may act as if she 's in pain.

    Some cats in heat are excessively friendly and will roll around on the ground when you play with her or pet her. When rubbed on her back, she will raise her hindquarters and tread with her hind limbs.


    This really depends on what you are keeping your cat for. Is she a pet companion for you or are you keeping her in order to breed cats?

    Keeping Your Cat As A Pet
    If you are keeping her as a pet, do consider spaying her. The main considerations for doing this is whether you have the resources to take care of a new litter of kittens every few months. Are you able to find her kittens good homes and if not, are you able to take care of them yourself? Many kittens are put down by humane organizations because cat owners are unable to take care of them or to find homes for them.

    If you are decide against spaying, then simply allowing your female cat outdoors will attract a roaming tom cat that will mate with her. Your female is likely to mate with a few toms before she goes out of heat. Do be prepared for the fights (which will probably keep you up for quite a few nights) happening between 2 or more tom cats for the right to mate with her!

    Keeping Your Cat To Breed
    If you are keeping your cat for breeding, try to delay the mating until she is at least one year old. Breeding is usually better if a cat is allowed to mature first.

    If your cat is pedigree, make sure to keep her indoors. Tom cats from miles away (some of dubious pedigrees) are attracted by the yowling of a female cat in heat and will wait outside your home for the first chance to mate.

    Consult a registered breeder to arrange for a suitable mate for your female cat. Do take a look at the tom before sending your cat to him. Ensure that the tom is vaccinated and certified free from disease.

    It is advisable to bring your cat to the tom, as some toms may be distracted by an unfamiliar environment. Your cat in heat may also attack toms that are suddenly introduced to their territory.

    About the Author

    For more information on giving the best cat care, visit http://www.My-Pet-Cat.com

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